أكليل الجبل
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Dates and method of cultivating "rosemary" ... get to know it
Hesalban plant "Rosemary-Rosemary" is a herbaceous perennial plant that tolerates low temperatures even long periods of frost. It is used as a spice, appetizer and flavor enhancer, in sweets, salads, meat and its products, as well as fish and vegetables, making soups and preserving meat and canned fish products.
The "Land" reviews the most prominent of what was mentioned by the Central Administration for Agricultural Extension regarding planting this grass.
Reproduction and planting time:
Hesalban reproduces through the peripheral or middle brains, provided that the age of the cuticle is not more than a year and its length is 15-20 cm, and it must be on the cuticle 2 with at least a vegetative support and a formation free from fungi and insects. Every part of plants contains a part of the root system, or sometimes with seeds.
It is preferable to make the cuttings during the spring month and plant them directly in the permanent place. One feddan needs 20-25 thousand terminal cuttings, and 3.5-3 carats are sufficient for mothers who are distinguished by their freedom from insect infestations and their age is no more than the workers.
Preparing the land for cultivation:
The land is tilled twice, perpendicularly, and organic fertilizer and phosphate are added as follows:
- In the case of flood or spray irrigation, add 15-20 m3 of dissolved organic fertilizer + 200-300 kg calcium superphosphate + 100 kg agricultural sulfur / acre, then plan the land at a rate of 10 reed lines.
In the case of drip irrigation, the distance between the hoses is 75 cm and between the points 50 cm, then the lines are split and the fertilizers are spread inside them at a rate of 20-25 m 3 decomposed organic fertilizer + 300-400 kg calcium superphosphate + 100 kg agricultural sulfur / acre and then the lines are closed, the hoses are uniquated and the land is irrigated for a period 3 consecutive days 2-3 hours a day.
- Agriculture :
The land is plowed twice, leveled, and the land is mapped at a rate of 10 lines / reeds (the line distance is 75 - 80 cm) and the cuttings are planted in the upper third of the line, provided that it is a distance of 50-60 cm between the plant and the other and in the presence of water.
Plants are irrigated at a rate of 3 weeks in summer and every 5 weeks in winter, and the period decreases according to weather conditions and soil type, in order to increase the rate of vegetable production and the amount of essential oil.
As for the new lands, the land is irrigated daily at a rate of (1-2 hours) half of it in the morning and half of it in the evening for 3-5 days of cultivation, then irrigation is organized after that so that it is irrigated every two days.
Hesalban plants are considered one of the voracious plants for nutrients, due to their long stay in the ground for about 5 years, and after planting about a month, about 100 kg of ammonium sulfate are added with repeated nitrogen fertilization every month in order to obtain a well-growing herb and a high aromatic oil.
In the old lands, nitrogen fertilizer is added in batches of 100 kg per feddan, ammonia sulfate is added to the bottom of the plants after hoeing and irrigation is done directly. As for the potassium fertilizer, it is added in batches of each batch of up to 25 kg per acre of potassium sulfate.
As for new lands, fertilizer is added in batches, each batch of 150 kg per acre Ammonia sulfate divided into small doses at a rate of 20-25 kg per feddan per feddan at a rate of 4-5 times with fertilization control near the end of the irrigation period until fertilizer leakage occurs. As for potassium fertilizer, it is added in batches at a rate of 4-5 times with fertilization control near the end of the irrigation period until fertilizer leakage occurs. As for potassium fertilizer, it is added in batches at a rate of 50 kg per acre and then repeated twice and can be mixed with ammonia sulfate.
- harvest :
It is preferable to plant the plants by means of sharp, clean, sterile scissors in a Clorox solution to water at a rate (1: 1), in the month of September and when the aromatic smell appears, especially in the first year of planting. In the following years, plants can be regularly mowed regularly every 3 months, starting from April to November, provided that the earring is at a height of 25-30 cm from the surface of the earth, and the plants that have been mowed are transferred directly to the place of drying, provided that it is shaded with continuous daily flipping to prevent rotting. The fermentation, after natural drying which takes 10 days or more, is packed in bags of clean jute and stored in well-ventilated stores with low humidity until the essential oil is extracted by direct steam distillation.
It is also advisable to distill the aromatic oil after a month of drying the plant organs, in order to increase the production of aromatic oil, in order to raise the percentage of camphor compound at the expense of the compound echolbitol. The feddan produces 25-30 kg of essential oil in the first year, which increases in the following years by 55% until the fourth year, as a result of the large size of plants and the high rates of oil synthesis.
Fresh grass can be stored at 0 ° C for 60 days without being affected when it is packaged in polypropylene bags and can then be displayed on the market for a period of 7 days after storage.
أكليل الجبل
بواسطة mohamed moharrm
مارس 15, 2021

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